Combining Background, Buttons, Macros


Create a background for a 480 x 272 touchscreen, then add buttons (pressed and unpressed states), your logo, and other graphic elements.

Combining Background, Buttons, Macros2020-01-12T01:45:35-08:00

Creating Graphic Elements


See how to generate a footer, 3D buttons, add a logo and create the .bmp files necessary to load onto a Reach Technology module.

Creating Graphic Elements2020-01-12T01:45:42-08:00

Products Using Reach Technology Display Modules


See how other companies are using Reach Technology LCD controller boards, LCD display modules, and complete enclosed LCD units to get embedded touch screen displays up-and-running fast in prototypes and smoothly in production. Reach Technology gives a jump start to manufacturing companies adding a touchscreen or display to their product.

Products Using Reach Technology Display Modules2020-01-12T01:45:58-08:00
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