How do I embed foreign language text in a macro?
The SLCD controller family uses UTF-8 encoding for non-ASCII characters. To incorporate UTF-8 characters into a macro file, you need to use an editor that supports UTF-8 encoding. Windows Notepad can do this. First, make sure you have a Unicode font installed (Arial Unicode MS comes with Microsoft Office) on your desktop to see the Unicode characters. Then start Notepad and set Format->Font to a Unicode font. Then select File->Save (or Save As…), and at the bottom of the pop-up box, you will see Encoding: ANSII. Click on the drop-down box and select UTF-8. Then save to set the encoding. Then, copy the following into the editor: #define test m test2 "Нажмите здесь" #end #define test2 // display text argument somewhere t "`0`" 10 20 #end The font or encoding is wrong if you don’t see the Russian text. Then, save the file as “testMacro”.txt or similar, download this macro [...]