Full-screen bitmap colors are wrong. What’s happening and how do I get around this?

When drawing a full-screen bitmap (.BMP) and using hotspots within it for control, the hotspots invoke macros. The macros redraw the screen. The colors being wrong is a side effect of how typical hotspots work. A standard hotspot defined by the “x” command specifies a touch-active area. When the area is touched, the screen is reverse imaged (foreground becomes background and vice versa) to provide visual feedback of the touch. When the button invokes a macro that redraws the screen, the screen is drawn while the button is pushed and the foreground/background colors are reversed. Then when the button is released, the hotspot is reversed even though the underlying image has changed. The solution is to use the “xs” command that does not change the screen when the defined hotspot is touched. The new screen will provide visual feedback, or the macro can do its reverse imaging.

Full-screen bitmap colors are wrong. What’s happening and how do I get around this?2022-04-08T10:22:26-07:00

Can my application store data files on the SD card?

There are no provisions for storing application files on the SD card, except for saving screenshots and using the screenshot command for customer product documentation. The SD card is used for system updates since this is much faster than using the RS-232 port. Otherwise, our modules are intended to be human interface devices only.

Can my application store data files on the SD card?2022-04-08T10:23:27-07:00

How do I measure the angle values for a meter?

You can use the Measure Tool in GIMP to get this information. Open your meter image with GIMP. Select the Measure Tool (it looks like a drawing compass) or select Tools->Measure. Click-and-hold the left mouse button on the pivot point and make a measurement straight down by the length of the needle. Release the click and get the needle’s zero point (angle). Now go back to the pivot point, hold the Shift key, click the left mouse button again, and move the pointer to the desired needle location. The Measure Tool will display the measured angle. Note: It will tend to keep the angle measurements less than 180 degrees, so you will need to do the math for larger angles. GIMP documentation for the Measure Tool See our video tutorial called “Design a Needle for the Meter Define Command.”

How do I measure the angle values for a meter?2022-04-08T10:25:10-07:00

How do I write centered text on the display?

The “SET TEXT ALIGNMENT” command can control how the “TEXT DISPLAY” command places text on the screen. The following commands draw a rectangle, set the text alignment to centered horizontally and vertically, and draw a string centered in the box: r 100 100 300 150 ta CC t “Centered!” 200 125 Note: The horizontal alignment setting reverts to “L” after the text is written.

How do I write centered text on the display?2022-04-08T10:25:55-07:00

I’m trying to establish communication with the board SLCD5 connector J7 pin 4 and pin 10 ( RX TX CMOS ). When I connect pins 5 and 6 (RS-232) the communication is normal. What should I do?

Connector J7 pin 10 may need a pull-up resistor to your host 3.3V supply and avoid a problem of the SLCD5’s 3.3V supply and your host 3.3V supply being different.

I’m trying to establish communication with the board SLCD5 connector J7 pin 4 and pin 10 ( RX TX CMOS ). When I connect pins 5 and 6 (RS-232) the communication is normal. What should I do?2020-09-29T11:35:20-07:00

Is a terminal emulator recommended? Which one?

We recommend using a free program, Tera Term. To configure Tera Term for use with any SLCD development kit: Start the program, then choose: Setup -> Serial Port…, then set “Baud rate” 115200 (all other defaults are OK). Setup -> Terminal… -> Newline, the set “Receive” to CR+LF, and then check “Local echo”. In the main window, hit Enter, and you should see the “>” prompt.

Is a terminal emulator recommended? Which one?2024-02-22T13:51:53-08:00

Does your controller board support a SCREEN WIPE option (a command or API that temporarily disables the touch sensitivity and allows the user to clean the screen)?

There are several ways to do this – all touch can be disabled, but it would be easier for the host to blank the screen, make the entire screen a hotspot (touch-sensitive region) and display a countdown number that gets reset when the unit is touched. When cleaning is finished, the screen will no longer be touched, and the host can resume regular operation.

Does your controller board support a SCREEN WIPE option (a command or API that temporarily disables the touch sensitivity and allows the user to clean the screen)?2022-04-08T10:27:47-07:00
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