How is a 24-bit palletized image displayed on the SLCD/SLCD6/SLCD43?

The SLCDx controllers can run either 8-bit color or high-color firmware (the original SLCD is 8-bit only, for high-color, use the SLCD+). In 8-bit color firmware, when a 24-bit “exact” palletized image is displayed, the bitmap routine maps the 24-bit color to the closest available in the fixed SLCD palette. In high-color firmware, the BMPload program converts 24-bit color bitmaps to 16-bit color (RGB565 format) before storing them on the controller board.

How is a 24-bit palletized image displayed on the SLCD/SLCD6/SLCD43?2022-04-08T10:08:33-07:00

How can I speed up the display of a stored bitmap (.BMP)?

Bitmaps can be compressed in our SLCD based products to save Flash memory space. The disadvantage is that compressed bitmaps display more slowly. To balance performance and Flash display storage, it is best to use the “Enable Bitmap Compression” checkbox in the BMPload application. For bitmaps that are large (for example cover the entire screen), or are re-drawn often, compression can be disabled by using inserting the string “.unc” into the file name, e.g. “01_MyBitmap.unc.bmp”. This tells the BMPload program not to compress this file’s image. Background bitmaps for slider objects and meter objects and sliding graphics (“xio” command) need to be uncompressed as well.

How can I speed up the display of a stored bitmap (.BMP)?2022-04-08T10:09:01-07:00

What software architectural design strategies are useful for improving display controller performance?

Here are some suggestions to improve performance: Only send changed data: The host computer on boot can send all data. Afterward, the host computer should only send that data that has changed (compared with the last data sent). Reduce host computer data transmitting frequency: Reduce the rate of the data sent from the host computer to the SLCDx display controller to reduce the flicker that occurs when writing data. Avoid refreshing the entire screen: If you have a large bitmap, try to avoid re-displaying the bitmap since re-writing the bitmap can be relatively slow. Move Reach commands to macros: Commands executed within a macro are stored in the device memory, and these commands run faster than commands sent serially. Uncompressed images display quickest: If you are compressing images, remember that uncompressed versions are displayed faster. If the default is to compress all images, include the “.unc.” in the filename of large images that display more [...]

What software architectural design strategies are useful for improving display controller performance?2022-04-08T10:11:17-07:00

I am trying to display a number that changes frequently. Sometimes it flashes or tears as it changes. How can I make it look smoother?

To display a changing number, use a monospace font and always write the same number of characters. So, if it is a 4-digit number, and the value is 1, send ”  1″ (three spaces and a 1) and if it is 123, send one space and the three numbers. The monospace font ensures that each number takes the same horizontal space, so they don’t shift left and right as they change. Finally, you may want to add a “wvr” command (find the manual for your display module in the Documents tab for your specific product) to ensure that the number changes while the display is not being refreshed on that part of the screen. Note that wvr does not work in portrait mode due to the way the LCD is built. See also our video tutorial called “Simple Output Formatting to Manage Fixed-Width Fields.”

I am trying to display a number that changes frequently. Sometimes it flashes or tears as it changes. How can I make it look smoother?2019-10-25T09:04:46-07:00

How many bitmaps can I store in the on-board flash memory?

Bitmaps are RLE compressed for storage. To see the effect of compression on a particular image, download the BMPload program and run it. Ignore the initial error (no SLCD attached) and add a bitmap. Then click on the bitmap name, and the information on the right-hand side will show the compressed size. Note: If the bitmap is palletized using the SLCD palette, the 768 bytes of palette data does not need to be stored in the flash memory.

How many bitmaps can I store in the on-board flash memory?2019-10-25T09:03:46-07:00

Do you have screen shots of ‘typical’ touch screen control panels or user examples?

Video See 29 touch screen control panel interface designs using Reach modules in this 1:34 minute video. Screen Shot Examples Here are some still screenshots of touch screen control panel customer examples. Chetco Digital uses 5.7″ QVGA touch screen control panels to create the display below. See several other screenshots. Chetco Digital makes an analog to digital instrumentation hub, enabling a touch screen gauge interface, remote switching, engine data logging, and SeaSmart.NET NMEA 2000 compatible wireless networking for marine, automotive, and industrial applications. Industrial Ventialcaiton, Inc. makes Centurion, a stand-alone control unit that easily and precisely manages storage climates by controlling fans, evaporative coolers, heaters, refrigeration, humidification, Co2, and fresh air. It uses a Reach Technology 5.7″ display module. Sciton uses an 8.4″ display module in JOULE, which offers an unprecedented array of laser and light wavelengths through its three distinct delivery modes: arm, fiber, and broadband light. As [...]

Do you have screen shots of ‘typical’ touch screen control panels or user examples?2022-04-08T10:18:43-07:00

How does color mapping work on the SLCD board?

The SLCD board has an 80KB frame buffer which povides for 8-bit per-pixel color at 320 x 240 resolution. A constant color palette is used to support a consistent color image with multiple on-screen bitmaps. The palette maps the 8-bit pixel index to the 12-bit color value sent to the panel. The palette provides 16 grayscales (including black and white) and six color values for red, green, and blue, or 6*6*6*16 = 231 colors (actually only 230 because of black redundancy). In 24-bit RGB terms, the colors supported are as follows: R, G, B = independently either 0x00, 0x33, 0x66, 0x99, 0xCC or 0xFF (six colors) R=G=B = 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, …0xEE, 0xFF (16 grays). A file ps8666.act is provided that contains the Adobe Photoshop palette corresponding to this color mapping.

How does color mapping work on the SLCD board?2022-04-08T10:20:28-07:00

How do I make a set of buttons act like radio buttons?

The macros in the “macros_radio_button_ex.txt” file define a set of six buttons that act like radio buttons. Each button press calls an associated macro that sets the proper state for the button that was pressed and clears the state of the other buttons. The user would add application-specific commands to these macros.

How do I make a set of buttons act like radio buttons?2019-10-25T08:26:57-07:00
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